Because being flexible is such an essential part of body awareness and allows the body to function at optimum strength, you will want to add these to your golf stretching regimen…increase your ability to make consistent and repeatable golf motions! Check out our previous post for more stretching below.

Calf and ankle stretch:
Come down into a low squat position….keep your heels on the ground. Hold the position, allowing the weight of your body to press against your calves. Rock your weight from your heels to the balls of your feet. Do this for 60 seconds. Rest and repeat.
Come down into a low squat position….keep your heels on the ground. Hold the position, allowing the weight of your body to press against your calves. Rock your weight from your heels to the balls of your feet. Do this for 60 seconds. Rest and repeat.

Hip/Psoas, Back and Quad:
Come down onto knees and drop one foot back, straightening it until top of foot rest on the ground behind you. Bend the front leg at the knee and turn the foot down and in underneath you. Lean torso forward over the bent knee and hold stretch for one minute. For added activation, press the back foot against the ground and lift the back knee and thigh off of the ground. Release and repeat on the opposite side.
Come down onto knees and drop one foot back, straightening it until top of foot rest on the ground behind you. Bend the front leg at the knee and turn the foot down and in underneath you. Lean torso forward over the bent knee and hold stretch for one minute. For added activation, press the back foot against the ground and lift the back knee and thigh off of the ground. Release and repeat on the opposite side.

Runner’s Lunge with Rotation:
This is a full body stretch (great for golfers and all athletes) that will get your torso, shoulders, hips, glutes, calves and quads! Come into a lunge position and place both hands on the ground in front of you. Raise the arm on the side of the body that the leg is forward. Leave the hand from the leg that is back on the ground, on the ground for balance. Reach as high as you can with the arm that is raised and allow the torso to rotate, look up to your raised hand. Hold this stretch for 30-60 seconds. Release and repeat on the other side.
This is a full body stretch (great for golfers and all athletes) that will get your torso, shoulders, hips, glutes, calves and quads! Come into a lunge position and place both hands on the ground in front of you. Raise the arm on the side of the body that the leg is forward. Leave the hand from the leg that is back on the ground, on the ground for balance. Reach as high as you can with the arm that is raised and allow the torso to rotate, look up to your raised hand. Hold this stretch for 30-60 seconds. Release and repeat on the other side.